Guests: FAQ & Fees

2024 Daily Guest Fees

  • Adult guest = $8 per day (age 18+)
  • Child guest = $5 per day (ages 2-18)
  • Children 2 and younger = free
  • Adult Punch Pass (10 visits) = $70 (savings of $10)
  • Child Punch Pass (10 visits) = $35 (savings of $15)
  • Combo Pass (5 adult visits, 5 child visits) = $50 (savings of $15)
  • Court Pass = $5 per day

Who is responsible for guest fees? The sponsoring member is ultimately responsible for the payment of guest fees; guest fees for visitors to the pool must be paid at the Snack Shack. Guest fees for court guests can be paid at the Snack Shack or left in the Club mailbox.

Do I have to accompany my guests to the Club? Yes, sponsoring members must accompany their guests at all times while on Club property.

How often can I bring the same adult guest? Adult guests residing in Charlottesville, Albemarle County, or the counties adjacent are limited to two visits per month.

How often can I bring the same child guest? Child guests residing in Charlottesville, Albemarle County, or the counties adjacent may visit four times a month.

How often can I bring an out-of-area guest, like friends/family/houseguests? Guests residing outside Charlottesville, Albemarle County, and the counties adjacent may have unlimited visiting privileges, paid at the regular guest fee rates.

Can my member child under the age of 12 bring a guest to the Club without an adult member as chaperone/host? No–an adult member of the member family must accompany the children.

Do my non-member grandparents visiting from out-of-area have to pay a guest fee to bring their member grandchildren? No–grandparents visiting from out-of-area do not have to pay the guest fee if they are bringing their grandkids to the pool.